services we offer:
Building Information Modeling(BIM)/3D Images
Our staff has a dedicated team of CAD/Revit technicians and 3-D rendering specialists.
Using 3-D modeling for our design development and construction documents produces a clearer
understanding of a building before it is built. It helps us answer any questions faster. It enables
higher quality drawings and property management data. It allows us to present our design concepts in 3-D at any point in the design process. This helps everyone understand how a building
functions and see what it actually looks like. The end result is a smoother transition from design to
construction to operations, which benefits the architect, contractor and client.
We are developing building information modeling (BIM) into our workflow with the integration of
Revit’s 3-D modeling and project data for Facilities Management in our construction documents.
This technology is revolutionizing the architectural industry and enables us to model buildings
three-dimensionally and link data for property management tasks during operations. Floor plans,
sections and elevations are created concurrently with each other. Any change made to one is
automatically reflected throughout the entire project. BIM forces us not to think in terms of floor
plans, sections and elevations, but to recognize what is happening above and below the floor plan,
and consider what is being affected in the space around ѡ