Twi-Fans United March 2013 | Page 9

In the book when Bella and Edward leave the wedding it is told she is wearing a deep blue dress.

In the movie she leaves in a cream coulored dress.

In the book Bella decides to stay human another year and attend Datmouth.

In the movie this was never discussed.

In the book Brady and Colin were introduced in Eclipse.

In the movie they are introduced in Breaking dawn part 1.

In the book when Bella discovers she is pregnant it had been 17 days since the wedding.

In the movie it had been 14 days.

In the book Paul imprinted on Jacobs sister Rachel and got his nose broke when he patronized Jacob.

In the movie Jacob didn’t break Pauls nose and it was never told who he imprinted on.

In the book Jacob makes numerous blond jokes to Rosalie.

In the movie he not once makes a blond joke.

In the book Jacob goes alone to tell Sam he has imprinted on Renesmee.

In the movie Sam and the other pack members are at the cullens when Jacob declares he has imprinted on Renesmee.