Twi-Fans United March 2013 | Page 12

Edward Spotlight

Edward Anthony Masen Cullen was born the unto Elizabeth and Edward Masen on June 20, 1901.
In 1918 at age seventeen, having lost his family to the Spanish Influenza, Edward found himself at death's door.
Whilst receiving treatment in Chicago, he came under the care of Dr. Carlisle Cullen.
His mother had made a final wish that doctor do all within his power to prevent the death of her son from the same disease.
Dr. Cullen complied with her request the only way he knew how:
By transforming Edward into a vampire.

Edward's gift is that he can read minds, hearing people's innermost thoughts.
He has never encountered a person who is immune to his power... Until Bella shows up and he realizes that her mind is impenetrable.
At first this infuriates him, but it is also the catalyst for his obsession with her; How and why is her mind a mystery to him?