Twenty weqrv4by56n8 | Page 9

7.Drugs are basically toxins or poisons. The amount that you take controls how the drug affects you. A small amount acts a stimulant (something that speeds up the activity of the body). A greater amount acts as a sedative (something used to make someone sleepy or calm) a larger amount acts as a poison and can kill you.

8. When any drug wears off, the pain or other feeling that went away comes back harder than before, this causes addiction.

Many celebrities ruin their lives by getting addicted to drugs. not only does it affect their careers but reputation aswell. They are supposed to be role models, people we can look up to, but their behaviours say something else.

8 things Bob the ambo said about drugs

After a special vsist from BOB the ambo these are the top 8 things that we think people should know about drugs.