Twenties Talk Twenties Talk | Page 6

The Green Light


At the end of Daisy Buchanan's dock, one may notice a faint, green light. Is this light here just for directing a late boat to their house? Or does it have a deeper, more intimate meaning to it?

The green light at the end of Daisy’s dock can be thought of as a way for Gatsby, across the bay, to know that Daisy is only right across the bay.

On page 92, Gatsby says that “If it wasn’t for the mist we could see your home across the bay.” Daisy’s green light would penetrate the fog, so Gatsby would be able to see it. As soon as Daisy and Gatsby reunited, the light now is a reminder that the love between them lives on.

The green light may have also been a symbol for the hope that Gatsby had to be reunited with Daisy. In the quote previously stated, one can assume that the fog could be a representation of Tom, who is keeping Daisy from looking for Gatsby. The light, or hope, of Gatsby would show through this fog and never be diminished.