TVP mockups TVPM moving to TROM | Page 2

TVPMagazine will move to a new home and will not be an official TVP project anymore. Plus, there will be some changes, but very minimal so the project stays the same basically. We will keep the same TVPM Patreon page for the TROM project, but we will change the name and description of it in a few days time. Then, in November, will be closed for good. So, please read the details below, because this is actually great news.

We will move the project to, a project that I (Tio) made in 2011 in the form of a huge (14 hour) documentary presenting similar values to what The Venus Project is all about. Actually I presented The Venus Project in detail in the TROM documentary, at least from my own perspective as I made TROM alone using whatever materials I could find online. But many of you may already be aware of TROM documentary, and if not please watch it to see what it is all about. So, since TVPMagazine was basically made by me (Tio), except one layer of reviewing the articles and proofreading by Ray, plus another reviewing by Jacque and Roxanne to make sure articles are tied to TVP, then moving it to TROM is not going to change anything of essence.

So here are the changes:

1. We will only include the articles that I wrote for TVPmagazine. The articles made by others will not be included (at least not yet). Those articles will be sent to TVP and they can post them where they choose to. However please keep in mind that the vast majority of TVPMagazine’s content was created by me, so most (almost all) articles can still be found at For all past original issues use this link (we will not delete any past issues so you can always access them using that link).

2. The articles you will find on will lack the connection with TVP that they previously had (I edited them all to remove TVP). I removed TVP since this is a new project that does not represent TVP anymore, however it shares the same ‘vision’ from my perspective. So, this TROM project will be more about the scientific value of such a ‘movement’ (project) rather than promoting any particular organization like The Venus Project, although we will still write about TVP and/or send articles to them so that they can publish them on their blog if they want to. But since this will not be a TVP project, I had to remove that direct connection. Despite all of that, nothing's really changed in any of the articles/books - they are about the same ‘thing’, the same vision of the future.