TV Everywhere International - Volume 13 No 2 TV EVERYWHERE_Vol 13 No 2 | Page 21

There are benefits for the provider as well – all three of these components drive viewership and stickiness (plus a wealth of data that can be mined for insights). Furthermore, offers such as bundled discounts across multiple services can drive increased adoption of incremental services, and in turn, drive customer loyalty and reducing churn. In an age where Netflix’s user growth is unpredictable, this is an option that pay-TV providers should explore further in order to enhance their staying power. Time Warner’s announcement of a partnership with Snapchat is just one recent example of a traditional media company taking its content distribution game to a new, more portable, level. This partnership will provide consumers with original content from Time Warner exclusively on the social media platform. Snapchat provides Time Warner the opportunity to experiment with the distribution of content in a new format – as Snapchat video tends to be short form, five-minute videos – and focus on reaching a new, younger audience. While building fresh, new experiences for younger consumers is a big focus for many content providers, it’s important not to neglect se lling new content services to the customers you already have. Some of the greatest opportunities exist in expanding existing relationships across physical and digital, or ensure that if consumers are used to accessing content in one fashion that you don’t disrupt, but rather, expand that relationship. Keep in mind the differing flavours of how consumers interact with content – one-time; on a monthly all-you-can-eat plan; or on the go with a single login and multiple devices. Personalised and dynamic merchandising is critical to reach the occasional couch movie buyer through to the power user who takes their favourite TV series on flights. Spanning the gamut of consumers as they evolve their video-watching habits not only drives loyalty, but empowers those consumers within your digital experience, letting them know that this merchandising is tailored specifically to their needs and wants. Think of your merchandising platforms as an endless canvas of possibilities, where you can experiment with different forms of loyalty rewards, incentives and tactics to drive repeat business. The trick is to enable quick experiments, to move with changing market demands and consumer preferences. Commerce – Make it Easy Amidst the sensory overload of the digital evolution, it’s ironic that a mundane thing like how to pay, and how easy it is to pay, can mean the difference between a loyal customer and a one-time purchase. Ironic but true; the day a consumer can’t cash in a gift card to watch Rogue One can send them searching to make the purchase elsewhere. DSPs know that consumers are willing to pay for their favourite content – the question has become – how easy can you make it for consumers to buy quickly and conveniently? On a rainy Sunday, many consumers will think there’s nothing better than purchasing a movie through the set-top box and getting comfortable on the couch. Traditionally, that purchase was supported by service providers simply adding the charge to a monthly bill. But consumers have raised the game from the Sunday movie scenario; evolving expectations now require more options for digital content purchases – especially when the purchase needs to be made in transit from the living room to the gym, on an iPhone. Allow me to re-introduce the e-Wallet. The e-Wallet has been discussed for years, but only now, fuelled by consumer demand, is it really beginning to gain traction. The e-Wallet allows consumers to store their credit or debit cards, PayPal accounts, brand specific or external loyalty schemes, and even coupons or gift cards they have received, all in one centralised location. When the consumer is sitting at the office and wants to purchase content to watch on the train home – they can choose to incorporate it on their existing bill, or maybe put that gift card to use. For the consumer, buying content from a preferred source while on the go becomes the norm – and for the DSP, the transaction and revenue flows through its ecosystem seamlessly, regardless of whether the content was charged to the monthly bill or another payment method. The purchasing and consumption patterns of digital consumers can seem both selective and random. However, the transacting options, not to mention the number of devices that each consumer expects, are going to continue to grow. But that very growth presents opportunity. By creating a digital content ecosystem that gives consumers payment method freedom, consumers remain engaged, and those new and evolving revenue streams for DSPs become real. With consumer preferences driving new commerce models for DSPs, many providers are feeling the pressure to try to serve new strategies with aging back-office systems. From a back-office perspective, legacy systems are often not equipped to handle the always connected consumer world of the content partner ecosystem. To fully execute on a digital content strategy, DSPs must bridge the gap between the capabilities of legacy systems and the new capabilities needed to support digital services. To launch new digital services quickly (and often) requires a nimble Digital Services platform that brings significant new functionality that can flex to support new customer experience models. Ascendon from CSG is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), cloud-based platform that gives organisations the flexibility to transition to digital services without adding extraordinary amounts of time, resources, complexity and cost by deploying a separate stack that integrates with legacy systems. Ascendon serves as that bridge between the old and the new, dramatically reducing costs and allowing quick experimentation with new service models. Today’s connected lifestyle allows viewers to watch just about anything they want, wherever they happen to be, and on whatever device they have at hand. This ‘Give me what I want, when I want it’ mentality is the driving force behind consumer consumption of digital services. Mastering the 3Cs of Content, Care and Commerce can position you ahead of another big C in the market – the competition. For more about mastering the 3Cs of Content, Care and Commerce, visit CSG in Hall 14, Stand M24 during IBC, 15-19 September, or visit us anytime at 21