It’s second period Italian class and my friend barely made it on time. Since we’re reviewing for our upcoming test we have to take notes. I pull out my notebook and my friend says, “Hey, can I borrow a piece of paper?” I stop my current action and squint at them with confusion. Who borrows a piece of paper?
To borrow (v.): to take and use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of returning it.
Unquestionably, no one borrows a piece of paper. There is no reason to borrow paper because you’d have to return it. No one would return another’s property damaged. I’m sure the person borrowing paper doesn’t have any intention of returning it either because it’s paper. Who returns paper? What kills me is that the person should ask if they could have the piece of paper.
To have (v.): to possess, own, or hold.
To have the piece of paper is telling me you want to own my paper and never give it back which would give us an understanding.
Next time, do everyone a favor and ask to have the paper or else I’ll be waiting for another piece of paper.