Tuskan Times Christmas 2013 | Page 10

Habitat For Humanity

By Bridget Babcox

Habitat for Humanity is an organization which seeks to alleviate global poverty through providing housing for those in need. Since its founding in 1976, Habitat has helped over four million people with their housing, whether that be through preservation, renovation, or building anew. The homeowners work alongside volunteers to build their houses, then buy it from the organization at a not-for-profit cost which they pay back with reasonable loans. This money is then used to fund more habitat projects to help others in need. Through this effective system, the organization has reconstructed or renovated over 800,000 homes. Today, the organization operates in nearly 80 countries worldwide. Though this organization has a Christian affiliation, it both helps and is run by people of many different faiths.

The ISF community contributes to this amazing organization through the high school Habitat for Humanity chapter, headed by Ms. McPhilemy and Ms. Yiannakis. The group fundraises throughout the year to raise money for the rebuild a house in Portugal. This summer (as in summers past) Ms. McPhilemy, Ms. Yiannakis, and some of the groups members will travel to Portugal to rebuild the house of a family in Portugal. You can show your support throughout the year in many ways. Buy some delicious baked goods at Habitat bake sales or participate in the penny challenge to win even more delicious treats for your grade. You can also buy raffle tickets (selling at a mere one euro each) to win one of the holiday gift baskets, on display at reception. Throughout the year, there will be many more great opportunities to support the cause. Shelter is one of the most basic human needs, but we often take our homes for granted. Supporting Habitat for Humanity provides a great opportunity to help those lacking this basic necessity. We hope you will support this worthy cause!