Turkish Independent Issue 4 | Page 18

News June 2013

Enfield Cypriot Association

Photo Kouzoupis
The Association was formed in 1982 and worked in an organised and systematic manner up until 1994 . It did a lot of good work and some of it`s achievements are continued today by other independent organisations # which are essentially offshoots of ECA . It was reactivated in 1998 and reorganised on new footing with a new management committee consisting of new and old members and resturacted to serve the change needs of the community for the benefit of all Cypriots of Enfield . The Association is unique in that it spans all age groups from all Cypriot communities and its work covers a broad range of services events and activities . ECA has 595 members and a Management Committee of 17 people with over 3000 users / clients annualy . The Association is a member if the ; MODA ( Migrants
Organisations Development Agancy ), NFCUK ( National Federation of Cyprus in U . K .), ECT ( Enfield Community Transport ), ECEN ( Enfield Community Empowerment Network ), ECRA ( Edmonton Comminty Regeneration Allience and Carers UK . Enfield Cypriot Association received funding from ; London Borough of Enfield for Health , Housing and Adult Social Care , Voluntary and Community Sector , Enfield Comminty Capacity building fund and donations from individual people . The aim of Enfield Cypriot Association is to serve people of Cypriot origin or connection living in the London Borough of Enfield and neighbouring areas by providing support and information on health , family , walfare and educational matters , organising social and leisure activities , seminars and training ,
cultural events , trips and out going , supporting project work , establishing partnership and joint projects with other organisations . For more information about the Association you can contact on 020 8805 1444 or via e- mail eca @ enfieldcypriots . org to visit address is Boleyn Hall , St . Martin`s Close , Enfield , Middx , EN1 4HW and the web site is www . enfieldcypriots . org Turkish Independent has visited ECA on lunch time event and had the opportunity to make interview with clients ;
Marina Skagia “ I have been there since September . We enjoy there with friend , its better to come there rather than staying at home . We sometimes go for a trip with friends , here we come to socialise in our Association . I have many
Turkish friend we grew up together , we can say that we don ’ t separate people we are all Cypriots and joining together in our Association .”
Sermin Colak “ I have joined to Association last few months , the atmosphere in there is great . People are very helpful and friendly , we get many different services in this Association . There is no Greeks or Turks in here we are all Cypriots , every one is in same level and all of us are human . I advise to everyone to come around have some friend in our Association to enjoy life with us .”
Pembe Yasar “ its been long time that I have been in Association , in there we help people who has