While researching the scientific reasoning behind the reason there is such an explosion of creativity during the summer months, I stumbled upon a few guidelines that honestly should be applied to every artist who finds themselves inspired to a different extreme during the summer months. What every artist should remember is if you are inspired during this time, or any time really, continue to create. The saying cook while the pan is hot definitely applies to the artistic in soul when creating.
Often times, artists are seen as lazy, as though we don’t work as hard as those with jobs that require jobs. What isn’t known is the fact the courage it takes to expose ourselves to the world to be judged drains a lot out of us. It may seem like at times the average artist is doing nothing, but inspiration, even though a renewable commodity, still has to be renewed. Our battery does not charge overnight like most.The artist is a seasonal worker. In some seasons, the artist may just go through the motions, but may find the creative burst during the summer to be most beneficial to