“Summer is a point in our lives every year that seems so worry free. It stems from our childhood when school was out and we just ran young and free. Even as adults we are more calm in the summer because the suns out. You think of swimming and summer songs coming out.” Case in point, last year’s summer anthem was Future’s hit song, Tony Montana, but I digress. Taniece continues explaining the reasoning why creativity bursts during summer months.
“The sun makes it more peaceful instead of the other months that appear more darker. The sun captures your eyes attention and you just feel great. Everything is chill as if the summer is a natural high.” And in essence, what Taniece says is very much so true. The summer fills the veins with a burst of energy that sometimes could only be released through creativity. At least healthily. But there has to be a scientific explanation for the artistic burst, right? It can’t be just the artistic inclined who notice this burst of energy occurring in the universe. Artists such as us can’t really be that special, right? One of my friends, a poet in the medical field, Lindsey Blake Weaver, thinks it has to do with the major increase of sunlight which in turn gives you more vitamin D and serotonin which makes you happier. And really how happy is the normal person at the beginning of June?