Turbo Jul. 2012 | Page 29


When it comes to software, this is often the most confusing buy for the new artist building his/her own studio. So let’s make that decision a little easier. Logic Pro 9 is one of the easiest softwares to learn, especially if familiar with GarageBand, the software that comes standard for most Macs. Apple products are often easier to use when it comes to software for building your own studio, so Logic Pro 9 is a logical choice for the building your own studio.

Other essentials for building your own studio would be a storage unit to keep all of your music in, Miko Kartee’s suggestion being the Mac Mini, studio monitors, translation being speakers where you can hear the quality of your music before putting it out to the masses, studio headphones, not street headphones or DJ headphones, a MIDI controller, and cable cords. And with that you have your very own studio, thanks to advice from Miko Kartre and Turbo, and remember, Cool Kidds Live In Turbo.