Turbo Jul. 2012 | Page 26

Sterling Audio SP-50

When it comes to studio equipment at times less is more, I say that to say this. This three hundred dollar microphone, according to the rapper/vocalist, is one of the greater microphones out there. Ranked higher than the higher priced brand named microphones, this microphone is greater at producing an acoustic sound and blocking out background noises that may occur in the studio. A great microphone for the artist building his or her own studio.

SE Electronics Reflexion Filter Pro Ambience Control

Another great tool for the budding recording artist is this product. Without acoustically treating the entire room, this product serves as a microphone stand and a product that saves money from acoustically treating the entire room. With this product, the budding artist will be able to create a cleaner sound, in turn producing a more professional sound. According to Miko Kartre is a must have and after hearing and doing my own research as a fellow artist who has been inside of the booth, I must say I am inclined to agree.