TUR Mini Magazine Written Conversations Summer Edition | Page 14

endured the enormous amounts of oppression , justice is all but a seven letter word . The scorched buildings remaining are constant reminders of the racial boundaries still existing in a state that abolished slavery 150 years ago . A dividing line no longer invisible as raw emotions show their face . Graffiti art covers boarded houses in the place of where windows once were . Messages were given to those who continue to feed the oppression that the revolution has only begun .
Words inspire people to stand for what they know is right . Silent pleas crying out for peace as the fight carries on . Out of the ashes of those who laid the groundwork came new leaders who use their voices to speak for those who can no longer do so . Platforms created so a movement can carry on .
# BlackLivesMatter became the foundation in which we now stood upon as the phenomenon spread across the world . Countless laws that had only been strongly enforced upon Blacks were now being called into question ; while the people who enforced them were being held under a microscope . In what seemed like a fairytale ending , in an episode of the television series Scandal , Shonda Rhimes gave us a moment of hope as the tears flowed down our faces . We watched as the rawness of her audacious courage to televise what some live every day play out in front of us . How they use our leaders for their own benefit , the constant cycle of divide and conquer they keep spinning ; she breathed life into the unspoken truth happening every day in poverty stricken areas where many believe the criminals are bred . The ending we all so desperately wanted to happen on that cold , November night .
As Ferguson rebuilds itself , the blindfold is slowly being raised on other cities that for so long have been ignored . Racism dressed in a uniform and hidden behind a badge can no longer hide . Ghosts planted in communities to help regulate and contribute to the modern day form of slavery we know as the prison system . In a world where a brown face comes with a guilty verdict , the voices that were peeking out then are still active and prominent in moving forward . The realization a war is not won overnight is apparent . The victory of small battles , the will to make a difference , and the belief change is possible pushes us towards a better tomorrow .
12 | Written Conversations The Urban Release