‘Redskins’ offended by the
Indian statue
Tulsa, OK - Administrators
with Union High School
are sharing their frustrations
and disbelief that the American
statue was never considered to be
located at their school.
Union school’s Biology “How”
Introduction teacher, Rick Fields, stated
“We’re a school with a mascot of Redskins,
that right there, in and of itself, factually, creates
the perfect reasoning to be the home for the
American. We should have been given the statue.”
But there is a small number of Tulsans who
are against the idea. Stacy Jones, hair stylist and
of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribe, said, “Where
does Union get the balls to not only have a racist
mascot but to then want to build a statue to
become a giant gaudy piece of metal. Here’s an
idea. Why not donate the money to scholarships for Native Americans?”
A representative for The American statue
replied, “Why not donate the money to scholarships? Ah yes, but that’s what you’d expect.
Where’s the fun in that? A giant guy with his
junk the size of the Golden Driller, now
that’s fun! ...Did I just say that out loud?”
However, Union didn’t want to
respond directly to Stacy, an “Indian”, but
offered a rebuttal with a press release
stating, “In this day and age, in the
Union community, “Redskins” is not
derogatory. So since we said it
officially in a press release, that
makes it not racist. However we were
offended by being overlooked as a viable site for the American statue. We
can use the statue as a learning experience for our students. We can hold
math classes up in the observation deck. The students could measure the
size of the shadow over Tulsa in inches, feet, miles, you name it.”