INSPIRED BYcommunity .
Pella Regional Health Center and Medical Clinics are proud to be a part of the tradition of Tulip Time . Have a great time visiting our beautiful town and enjoying the festivities !
PellaHealth . org
MidWestOne Bank invites you to attend the
TULIP TIME QUILT SHOW “ Linked ” Sponsored by the Pella Area Quilter ’ s Guild Pella Community Center , 712 Union St . Wednesday , May 5 - Saturday May 8 10am - 6pm
Our historic Pella Community Center will showcase the Annual Quilt Show . Quilts vary in size from bed quilts to baby quilts ; from wall hangings to miniatures , Love quilts for Charity and other quilted items . Gift items made by the guild members are also available for purchase .
This years raffle is entitled “ Linked .” The 99 ” x 99 ” 100 % Cotton quilt was made and quilted by PAQG member Aleta Gustavson . Raffle tickets are $ 1 each of 6 for $ 5 and are available at the quilt show . The raffle drawing will be Saturday at the end of the show . The winner need not be present to win .
Admission to the show is $ 5 and children and under 12 may attend free when accompanied by an adult .
The Pella Area Quilter ’ s Guild is an active group and welcomes visitors and new members to any meeting . The Guild meets the 1st Tuesday every month at 7pm in Room 101 at Third Reformed Church in Pella .
700 Main St . - Main Bank ( Molengracht )
500 Oskaloosa St . - Drive Up
24-Hour ATM at both locations MidWestOne . com | Member FDIC
611 Franklin Street , Pella 641-628-8625 www . PellaOperaHouse . org
Tickets online or at the door !
Thursday , May 6 and Friday , May 7 10AM The Reluctant Pioneer - the story of Maria Scholte . Onewoman live production by Beverly Graves . 40min - $ 5 1:30-7PM Martini Huis Opens on 2nd floor Balcony
Great Hall Bar Open ( wristband purchase required ) 3PM Carpenters Once More Tribute . 90min- $ 20adult /$ 12youth Saturday , May 8 10AM Tiptoe Through the Tulips with Davis Folkerts on the 1928 Barton Theatre Organ . 30min - $ 5
11AM The Reluctant Pioneer - the story of Maria Scholte . Onewoman live production by Beverly Graves . 40min - $ 5
1:30-10PM Martini Huis Opens on 2nd floor Balcony Great Hall Bar Open ( wristband purchase required )
3PM Central College Flying Pans Steel Band , calypso , soca , Latin , jazz & rock . 90min - $ 15 adult /$ 5 youth
EVERY DAY of TULIP TIME ! UNLIMITED ACCESS TO THE GREAT HALL WITH YOUR $ 5 WRISTBAND . AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR ! Bring your food inside . Get $ 1 off every wine and domestic beer purchases in Great Hall PLUS access to Opera House bathrooms . Rest and Enjoy !
8 Tulip Time 2021