TUHSD EdTech Jan 28 2014

Volume 2 Issue 23 January 28, 2014 Tech Tuesday Archive Cool Tools for School: Exit Ticket Please be mindful of account security. When signed onto a computer or web service such as email or Synergy, all activity that occurs is associated with the designated account holder. To protect your account and any confidential information contained within: 1. Do not share account passwords with others, including peers or students. 2. When stepping away from your computer for a moment, lock your computer or session by pressing either of the following keyboard combinations  Windows Key + L  Ctrl + Alt + Delete (select Lock) 3. Log off the computer/ account when finished. Office 2013 Tip Quick Access Toolbar 1. To customize the Quick Access Toolbar located ExitTicket.org is a web service that allows teachers to create exit tickets and other quick formative assessment tools for classroom use. The free service for up to 8 classes, 60 students, and 10 questions per assessment. Teachers have the ability to create their own assessments or pull from a public library of questions created by other users. 1. To begin, create a teacher account. Once logged in, create a class. 2. To add students without sharing student ID numbers, click on the Dashboard tab > Add Student > Add by Using Class Code. 3. The class code will appear on the right side of the screen. When ready to have students create their own accounts, share this code with them. 4. Students will access exitticket.org and select the Class Code tab. 5. After adding the code, they will select I’m new. I need an account. 6. Students will create a unique username and then enter a password (teachers have the ability to reset passwords if necessary).