Tug Hill Real Estate Properties For Sale 1 | Page 6
ML#S313640- 21248 Jerusalem Rd. Lorraine- 2010 3BR, 2BA Ranch on 1.58 Acres 3 car
attached heated garage by state land and trails. Great location for easy access to Ft Drum & Watertown.
Incredibly private location. $239,900
ML# S294190 70 S Rainbow Shores Rd, Pulaski – Fantastic custom Lake Ontario
waterfront home. Spacious 4 BR 3.5 BA w/120’ accessible waterfront . Spacious & inviting 4000 Ft of
quality living space, over 1000 Sq ft attached garage, possible in-law or rental space. Attention to detail
throughout. Central air, radiant heat & municipal water! $485,000
Realtors Wanted
Tug Hill Real Estate is growing! Tug Hill Real Estate offers a generous commission schedule that rewards
hard workers & our web-smart business allows you to work from anywhere. For details contact
Suzanne Brown, LIC RE Broker/Owner today. Cell 315-382-5149 [email protected]