TTO - TOTAL TAKE OVER - January 2015 - Edition 01 David Callihan | Page 3

RE: TTO (Total Take Over

The powerline is not your downline.

It shows company growth since you signed up.

It is not your residual matrix but it is still important for you.

All those people who are free users are time stamped in the power line.

This means when the sign up day comes and should the person before you can't pay.

- If you are enrolled next by timestamp you move up.

- If you want to see your downline. That's under the enroller tree list.

- If you want to know how much approximately you will make in the $1 residual matrix talk to your sponsor and their sponsor etc. That is the only way to get an estimate at this time and has the perk of networking with some great people.

You won't actually be able to see that matrix until AFTER PAID MEMBERSHIP BEGINS.


Cause that's alot of numbers fluctuating daily and this thing is still just getting started. Like the whir of a high-class future power source, powering up.

So the thing to do now instead of running in circles of excitement and wanting to know more more more... is to build. Keep focused. Continue and fill those spots. As long as you keep doing that,

As a friend I can say "you can't go wrong".

Honest truth. Keep building. That's how we succeed.