Pr ep ub lis h Re se ar ch Naturefriends Greece is proud to present some of the conclusions of the first research occurred in Greece concerning TTIP. The title of the research is: «TTIP: Consequences on Greek Democracy, Economy, Society». This analysis comes as a result of two joined forces a) The Laboratory of Applied Economics and Development of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Grigoris Zarotiadis/ subsitute professor at Aristotle University, Irini Ozouni, Stergios Seretis and b) Alternative Trade Network/ Research and Growth Cooperative. This research is focused on TTIP yet it is considered to have great similarities with CETA (trade agreement between Canada and EU). We are pleased to invite you to the official presentation of the research results on Saturday, September 17th 2016, at 11:00 at Aristotle University’s Research Dissemination Center (KEDEA).