tt training | Page 8
Rather than being a passive experience, where the learner
just soaks in knowledge through reading or viewing content,
interactive e-learning requires learners to be intimately
involved. They click or touch the screen. They drag content
from one place to the next. They make choices that impact
what other content they see. Interactive e-learning may
incorporate critical-thinking activities such as games,
quizzes, and decision-making scenarios that encourage
learners to explore the consequences of their choices in a
safe way. While there’s
plenty of e-learning
developed every day
that’s not interactive, the
most effective e-learning
typically is interactive
________ Rich
E-learning often includes multimedia. The most
effective e-learning captures a learner’s interest and
attention, engaging them in a real way so that they
actually digest the material. That’s why many e-learning
courses include animation, audio, and video—creating
a multimodal, immersive, and effective learning
Benefits of E-Learning
With e-learning, you’re taught what you need to know quickly and
easily, wherever you are. It’s learning, delivered right to you. And
that yields big benefits for your organization. Let’s take a look at
these benefits.
_______ Reduction and Scalability
With traditional training, an organization
invests resources in having an instructor
prepare a course. Perhaps the instructor
spends a few weeks preparing a
PowerPoint and a series of workshop-type
activities. Then, a group of learners
huddles together in a classroom for a few
days to consume that content. While
they’re there, they aren’t doing their core
jobs. If they have to travel for the training,
they’re racking up travel costs. The next
time the organization wants to train a
group, it goes through the same process all
over again.
But with e-learning, organizations can
invest once in a course, then disperse it to
everyone and anyone in their workforce,
wherever they are. It is so much more
scalable and less costly! And because staff
can take the course at their own pace, it’s
easier to fit it in around their other d
________ out to learners and time anywhere
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