TSAC Report 33 | Page 11

EFFECTS OF MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY ON ANABOLIC HORMONES, EXERCISE, AND RECOVERY 25. National Institutes of Health. Rehabilitation of persons with traumatic brain injury. NIH Consens Statement 16: 1-41, 1998.   26. Nindl, BC, Castellani, JW, Warr, BJ, Sharp, MA, Henning, PC, Spiering, BA, and Scofield, DE. Physiological employment standards III: Physiological challenges and consequences encountered during international military deployments. Eur J Appl Physiol 113: 2655-2672, 2013. Dennis Scofield is a Biological Sciences Non-Commissioned Officer currently working at the United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM) in Natick, MA. Scofield is assigned to the Military Performance Division and assists with epidemiological research derived from the Total Army Injury and Health Outcomes Database (TAIHOD). Scofield also oversees the USARIEM Physical Readiness Training (PRT) program and has been involved in personal training for over 20 years. He received both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Exercise Science from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. 27. Nindl, BC, Rarick, KR, Castellani, JW, Tuckow, AP, Patton, JF, Young, AJ, and Montain, SJ. Altered secretion of growth hormone and luteinizing hormone after 84 h of sustained physical exertion superimposed on caloric and sleep restriction. J Appl Physiol 100: 120-128, 2006. ABOUT THE AUTHOR 28. Nindl, BC. Insulin-like growth factor-I as a candidate metabolic biomarker: Military relevance and future directions for measurement. J Diabetes Sci Technol 3: 371-376, 2009. 29. Popovic, V, Aimaretti, G, Casanueva, FF, and Ghigo, E. Hypopituitarism following traumatic brain injury. Growth Horm IGF Res 15: 177-184, 2005. 30. Powner, DJ, Boccalandro, C, Alp, MS, and Vollmer, DG. Endocrine failure after traumatic brain injury in adults. Neurocrit Care 5: 61-70, 2006. 31. Prins, M, Greco, T, Alexander, D, and Giza, CC. The pathophysiology of traumatic brain injury at a glance. Dis Model Mech 6: 1307-1315, 2013. 32. Sartorio, A, Agosti, F, Patrizi, A, Tringali, G, Marazzi, N, Giunta, M, Muller, EE, and Rigamonti, AE. GH responses to two consecutive bouts of respiratory muscle endurance training in healthy adults. J Endocrinol Invest 36: 255-260, 2013. 33. Tanriverdi, F, De Bellis, A, Bizzarro, A, Sinisi, AA, Bellastella, G, Pane, E, Bellastella, A, Unluhizarci, K, Selcuklu, A, Casanueva, FF, and Kelestimur, F. Antipituitary antibodies after traumatic brain injury: Is head trauma-induced pituitary dysfunction associated with autoimmunity? Eur J Endocrinol 159: 7-13, 2008. 34. Tanriverdi, F, Unluhizarci, K, Selcuklu, A, Casanueva, FF, and Kelestimur, F. Transient hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in an amateur kickboxer after head trauma. J Endocrinol Invest 30: 150152, 2007. 35. Widdowson, WM, and Gibney, J. The effect of growth hormone replacement on exercise capacity in patients with GH deficiency: A meta-analysis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 93: 4413-4417, 2008. 36. Wilkinson, CW, Pagulayan, KF, Petrie, EC, Mayer, CL, Colasurdo, EA, Shofer, JB, Hart, KL, Hoff, D, Tarabochia, MA, and Peskind, ER. High prevalence of chronic pituitary and target-organ hormone abnormalities after blast-related mild traumatic brain injury. Front Neurol 3: 11, 2012. NSCA’S TSAC REPORT | ISSUE 33 11