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Patrick Conway works as an Exercise Physiologist with the U.S.
Air Force. One of his duties is to create fitness programs for
injured military members seen by Air Force medical providers.
Conway teaches and certifies approximately 400 military
members as physical training leaders per year. He also conducts
running clinics with motion analysis (Dartfish) and Functional
Movement Screenings (FMS) for military and civilians on the base.
He is certified with FMS and TRX systems, as well as a certified
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and a Level 1 Firefighter
(FF-1). Prior to the Air Force and college, Conway worked at the
Tonopah Test Range as a member of the Special Weapons and
Tactics (SWAT) special response team.
8. Goulet, ED, Rousseau, SF, Lamboley, CR, Plante, GE, and
Dionne, IJ. Pre-exercise hyperhydration delays dehydration and
improves endurance capacity during 2 h of cycling in a temperate
climate. J Physiol Anthropol 27(5): 263-271, 2008.
9. Laursen, PB, Watson, G, Abbiss, CR, Wall, BA, and Nosaka, K.
Hyperthermic fatigue precedes a rapid reduction in serum sodium
in an ironman triathlete: A case report. Int J Sports Physiol Perform
4(4): 533-537, 2009.
10. Leamer, NK, Clemmons, NS, Jordan, NN, and Pacha, LA.
Update: Community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus skin and soft tissue infection surveillance among active
duty military personnel at Fort Benning, GA, 2008-2010. Mil Med
178(8): 914-920, 2013.
11. McArdle, WD, Katch, FI, and Katch, VL. Exercise Physiology:
Energy, Nutrition, and Human Performance (5th ed.) Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 74-77, 97-98, 623-647, 2001.
12. McCullough, EA, and Kenney, WL. Thermal insulation and
evaporative resistance of football uniforms. Med Sci Sports Exerc
35(5): 832-837, 2003.