And here again, for another
number of the magazine. I
wish it would be more spread
asap so that everyone can
heve the possibility, I believe
to hear something new, as the
particularity of the newspaper
is that you see and talk about
things in the world but with a
"personal" comment that is
kneaded in the Word of God,
so to have a clear and even,
for believers, secure point of
reference, but, by the way, a
thing where you can see
things from a perspective that
the world doesn't give you. I
hope so it would be, by the
way, if not either interesting,
at least constructive to let you
know what we think. I also
hope that, especially it's what
I like in things in general, that
they are useful, in the lives of
people, practically. To solve
problems, that is what I like
and it seems like a calling in
my life, but, maybe it is in the
life of every man. So Just I
want to say that I am terribly
sorry for having remained
alone in going on with in
project (the
terribly hard, and that it's even
the reason why I couldn't
publish 2 magazines and had
to do it only later. Also, I want
to say that I already made the
decision to change again and
again the aim in the making of
the magazine, that is not just
to have a magazine, but a
work that will remain in time,
for the content and the Word
of God that it contains, but
especially, as I always like
more, for the beauty and
trying to make a little a work
of art. I hope it will be
beautiful, despite all the
difficulties, immense, with not
having either the satisfaction,
yet, to have at least a copy
printed in color. So much
misery here, that though
couldn't impede creativity and
Love that God gives to be
expressed. #Thankful
And here some replies to the
questions, and I wanted to add
also my replies to those. All this
made through facebook. ;)
J. K. Miguel: An extremely good
relationship that has arose from
above between two people.
Angelo S.: agreeing
Marnilyn P. B.: For me marriage
is sacred, so