#Truthseekers N. 2 TruthSeekersN2 | Page 7

Can a person destroy your life? Is it true or false? How they are destroying people. They are deceiving people. People that remain slaves of everything, all things of this world, starting from their houses here, while God never created them to stay like in a prison, etc. They use God's name and religion, to betray people. Protect themselves. Use people. Also, obviously, impeding them to find the true God and His freedom, that is His Spirit. Cuz they rejected Him. You just have to stay as far as you can from people like them. It's the only solution. See Jesus about the Pharisees: "let them alone; they are blind guides." [Mt 1 5:1 4]. Or even Paul about false brothers and sisters: "danger from false brethren", [2 Cor 11 :26] "But rather I wrote to you not to associate with any one who bears the name of brother if he is guilty of immorality or greed, or is an idolater, reviler, drunkard, or robber—not even to eat with such a one" [1 Cor 5:11 ]. ...Therefore do not associate with them" [Ephesians 5:7] . While I am till now taken in a trap, an old ancient and socially so strong system, since I was a child, that deceives and neither you see it's a system (mafia is just a little part) where you are taken, used so that they can hide themselves, taken to not spread the Gospel and neither to have a good life as man in Christ, and all the good things that Life owns and for which Christ, that they crucified again as Paul says about them, paid a great price with His life, to give them to you. [to be continued]