#TruthSeekers N. 13 #TruthSeekers N. 13 | Page 15

spice) is used instead of Serke. Now a days the Zoroastrians do not have the seven "S"s but instead grow seven seeds to remind themselves that this is the seventh feast of creation. And when the seed sprouts it symbolizes resurrection and eternal life to come. On this auspicious day, You can send New Year Greetings 201 9 to your dear ones, Relatives and Friend. The 1 3th day of the new year is called "Sizdah Bedar" and spent mostly outdoors. People will leave their homes to go to the parks or local plains for a festive picnic. It is a must to spend Sizdah Bedar in nature. This is called Sizdah Bedar and is the most popular day of the holidays among children because they get to play a lot! Also in this day, people throw the Sabze away, they believe Sabze should not stay in the house after "Sizdah Bedar". Iranians regard 1 3th day as a bad omen and believe that by going into the fields and parks they avoid misfortunes. It is also believed that unwed girls can wish for a husband by going into the fields and tying a knot between green shoots, symbolizing a marital bond.