Even if a person or a nation is weaker... Ignorance
...it doesn't mean you have to abandon them. You instead should
stay nearer them and help them. Obviously, do not let be
deceived cuz they cannot help you in your missions, or in
righteousness, if they have such kind of problems.
I mean, it's not that weak person cannot help. But I refer, sadly,
to the fact that they seems, or better, are, foolish. It's hard cuz it
seems offensive, but it's not. It's like to say that you have an
handicap, but it's not to offend you. It's the reality, and sad. So
they cannot help. What to do? Help them. And then? go for your
way, stay with people near God or anyway surround yourself by
warriors in the same your battle and go there. The others will
follow you, or at least they have been helped. In all this I always
remind Jesus been followed by the crowds and people He
helped. He is always an example for me and I keep reminding
Him and His Truth as a scope of this magazine and Truth
Seekers. He is the Truth, and the Truth is God, and He must be
found, He is our Creator. His Words are like eternal pilasters,
columns, that He left on earth. Simply I thank Him also cuz He
helped the weakest ones too and I trust Him. This world became
in the past, is becoming and can become again so much
inhuman, and this made me appreciate more the inheritance
that, even as italian, I have in humanity. Even if some wars
seems, I repeat, SEEMS to be not so evil, but necessary, like
when the Americans came to stop Hitler's massacre with no
reason. But this is another discourse and I should write another
article. Deceived people. What is deception?
Why do they manipulate words like
this, such us "deception" too? Who
are this people? Me too? Who is
right? Is the Word of God true or
false? You see if it's true or false if it
works in your life. Right? But it is so
big. And He consacrated His own
people in it. Entirely in it and so big,
and it seems there is always a new
church... I mean we all can change in
time.... about His Word too. Who
listens obeys even at the cost of
suffering, and it is inscribed in him.
He's open to everybody. Who doesn't
listen is not from the truth... he is
from the devil, he does, practises the
opposite without neither he notices
that. If you know the truth you will be
always more convicted in the truth
itself also with time.... but you can
get confused. Cuz evil can attack you
so strongly and this is true too. But
the Word of God exhibits evil. Talks
about it. This is truth too. The fact
that evil exists.