#TruthSeek3rs N. 4 magazine 4 | Page 15

I enjoyed so many times the second album, part of my these life by 2 albums now, for so long time, and lately the first, Enjoyed so many times so many times these 2 albums Enjoyed so many times these 2 albums 2 albums Enjoyed their last creation! that I advice you all. that i advice you all: that i advice you all: i advice all: right now while El that Pintor, And you listening Fallen , 2001 . One of the most important Synthesis , the last album. Soon I would writing: albums of the band! define it like a "classical-electro" album. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 0. 11 . 1 2. "Overture" "Never Go Back" "Hi-Lo" "My Heart Is Broken" "Lacrymosa" "The End of the Dream" "Bring Me to Life" "Unraveling" "Imaginary" "Secret Door" "Lithium" "Lost in Paradise" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 0. 11 . 1 2. "Going Under" "Bring Me to Life" "Everybody's Fool" "My Immortal" "Haunted" "Tourniquet" "Imaginary" "Taking Over Me" "Hello" "My Last Breath" "Whisper" "My Immortal" (band version)