#TruthSeek3rs N. 4 mag 3 | Page 9

China's ghost cities: did you know it? I didn't know about "ghost cities" in China, or even in Africa, what the Chinese government is doing and did. I see so lack of Wisdom in that, indeed their projects failed. I saw 1 0 on internet, just Google it. I don't how many they are. I see them as a scary thing, and in the "puzzle" of that great evil project in the world, using pornography too, I see them as possible future lagers in the world near future. I know it seems pessimist, but to me it is so real, cuz so many other things to say about this "puzzle", that already realized and happening. The only solution I see now is to try with Christian communities there, Word of God in chinese people, making every place beautiful and not scary, or to destroy them. And soon. That seems impossible. [Ordos in the pic] #Saw3DaysAgo #EvenFarFutureAft er3or4Generations #InThisWorldRunni ngSoFastItCanHap penSoon #PrayedAndPrayin g #ItsAllAboutGod <3 <3