Doing what is right
he wisest king who ever lived
once said
“There’s a way of life that
looks harmless enough; look
again—it leads straight to hell;
Sure, those people appear to
be having a good time, but all
that laughter will end in heartbreak”
Prov 14:12-13 Msg
It is my prayer that your laughter
does not turn to heartbreak, but
for your mourning to turn into
laughter in Jesus’ name.
Friends, doing the right thing goes
beyond living for the
moment as it requires discipline,
willingness to learn and humility
among others things.
Doing what is right can be difficult
and boring or even frustrating,
however Apostle Paul encouraged
us in his writings in Gal 5:6
that we should …………. not
lose heart and grow weary and
faint in acting nobly and doing
right, for in due time and at the
appointed season we shall reap,
if we do not loosen and relax our
courage and faint.