No . 134 The Trusty Servant
Sir Antony Beevor ( K , 60-64 ) released his latest book in May . Russia : Revolution and Civil War , 1917-1921 , tells the gripping story of the struggle that took place in Russia following the collapse of the Tsar . In the talk he delivered to a packed New Hall on 12 October , Sir Antony described the major players , both within and beyond Russia as well as the atrocities that became such a distinguishing feature of the conflict . 592 Pages ; Viking ; ISBN 978-0593493878
Dr Riaz Dharamshi ( G , 92-97 ) has written his first book , Health Equality and Social Justice in Old Age . Using examples from his practice as a Geriatrician , he looks at the problems which find expression in old age . How we understand the issues related to ageing requires us to look through a wider lens and appreciate that many of the difficulties we experience in our later lives derive from social , political and economic factors which took root years or even decades before . The book describes the type of care that we could and should offer older people but also seeks to describe a successful framework for considering old age beyond the narrow confines of a purely medical approach . 208 pages ; Jessica Kingsley Publishing ; ISBN 978-1839973659
Alex Drace-Francis ( Coll , 83-88 ) is Associate Professor of Modern European Literary and Cultural History at the Department of European Studies , University of
Amsterdam . His latest book , The Making of Mamaliga : Transimperial Recipes for a Romanian National Dish is published by Central European University Press . Mămăligă , maize porridge or polenta , is a universally consumed dish in Romania and a prominent national symbol . Alex ’ s book surveys the history of maize cultivation in Romanian lands from Ottoman times to the eve of the First World War , as well as the image of mamaliga in folklore , literature , art , cinema and popular culture . 226 Pages ; Central European University Press ; ISBN 978-9633866245
Bruce Fitt ( E , 65-70 ) has jointly edited a book Management of Diseases and Pests of Oilseed Rape . It comprises a collection of papers from a forum held at the University of Hertfordshire on 16 June 2021 . 80 Pages ; AgriFood Charities Partnership ; ISBN 978-8778481145
Andrew Hampton ( B , 71-76 ) might have had Win Coll ’ s 2022 most recent intake in mind as he wrote When Girls Fall Out , a guide for parents of daughters told from the girls ’ point of view . When school-aged girls experience painful friendship turbulence it can leave parents feeling powerless , anxious and worried . When Girls Fall Out is a frank and carefully explained guide for parents to help them support
their daughters effectively . Told from the girls ’ point of view , this book shows parents how to empower their daughters to be empathetic , resilient and more consistently happy in their friendships . 170 Pages ; Girls on Board Ltd ; ISBN : 978-1399901086
The latest book by David Howarth ( I , 64-68 ) is about to be published . Adventurers , The Improbable Rise of the East India Company : 1550-1650 tells of the unlikely beginnings of the East India Company , from Tudor origins and rivalry with the superior Dutch , to laying the groundwork for future British expansion . Through a host of stories and fascinating details , David brings to life the Company ’ s way of doing business — from the leaky ships and petty seafarers of its embattled early days to later sweeping commercial success . While the Company ’ s efforts met with disappointment in Japan , they sowed the seeds of success in India , setting the outline for what would later become the Raj . Drawing on an abundance of sources , Howarth shows how competition from European powers was vital to success — and considers whether the Company was truly “ English ” at all , or rather part of a Europe-wide movement . 400 Pages ; Yale University Press ; ISBN 978-0300250725
John Mallet ( C , 44-48 ) has co-edited a collection of symposium papers , Maiolica in Italy and Beyond : Papers of a symposium held at Oxford in celebration of Timothy Wilson ’ s Catalogue of Maiolica in the Ashmolean Museum . For further commentary by John , see