Trusty Servant May 2024 | Página 4

No . 137
The Trusty Servant
James van Sickle ’ s ( K , 51-56 ) wartime Jeep . I was the hapless pilot being towed on one occasion when , about 15 feet up in the air , I found myself rapidly approaching Garnier Road . With no regard for the science of aeronautics and the danger of stalling , I executed a steep left turn and surprisingly landed safely . I cannot recall any masterly supervision !
I went on to a career in aviation and motor racing , the latter just as dangerous .
Stephen Winkworth ( C , 52-56 ) was clearly influenced by these early gliding experiences :
Though I never had much joy from the Grasshopper I have many recollections of Bryan Thwaites ’ s other gliding group , who were sent to Lasham to be taught by that doyen of gliding , Derek Piggott .
In fact , in recognition of those happy , far-off days , I recently built a 1 / 6 scale model of the glider in which we first experienced solo flight : the Slingsby ‘ Kadet ’. I gave it the spurious insignia BTDP - 56 : Bryan Thwaites Derek Piggott 1956 … the year I went solo ! A lifetime of interest in practical aerodynamics , including many years paragliding , has ensued .
Not least among the results of those experiences have been many years of renewed friendship with Bryan - whom I looked up while working on the BBC
Bryan Thwaites ’ s car , not a Jeep , stands by
film on pterodactyls which I made with David Attenborough some forty years ago . There was some aspect of the aerodynamics of those extinct soarers which could best be answered , as I recall , by reference to one of Bryan ’ s papers for the National Physical Laboratory back in the 1940s .
Peter White ( I , 57-63 ) concludes :
I was amused to see the piece about the A-frame glider in the latest e-mail newsletter . I was in the RAF Section in
John Boulton and Bryan Thwaites the early 1960 ’ s and have a fairly clear recollection of the glider ’ s final hours .
We used to launch it along the surface of Meads with the bungee ropes , but with baffle plates on the wings so it would not get airborne . One day we decided this was rather tame , and took the baffles off . The glider duly ascended about 20 feet heavenwards , but then stalled and crashed to earth , shaking up the intrepid pilot ( identity forgotten ) and shattering the glider ’ s main frame . I imagine it was then reduced to firewood for members of staff without central heating .
Membership of the RAF Section was in many respects a soft option , but its educational and disciplinary value was probably minimal . Memories include airsickness following a barrel roll in a Chipmunk flying from Hamble , and extreme discomfort as passenger in an RAF Anson . It did however involve much less marching around .
Many of these articles have been cut down for reasons of space . Please go to the News Stories section of the Win Coll Soc website to see them in full , along with a much larger gallery of photos . Bryan Thwaites himself , who inspired these recollections has promised a critique of his former pupils ’ writings for TS 138 in November .