Trusty Servant May 2024 | Page 36

No . 137 The Trusty Servant
Dates for your Diary
Friday 14th June Eve of Wykeham Day Parents ’ Drinks
Saturday 15th June Wykeham Day ( including War Cloister Centenary service )
Monday 1st July Friends ’ Drinks Party
Saturday 7th September Goddard Day
Monday 23rd – Thursday 26th September Trip to Monte Cassino
Thursday 3rd October Parents ’ Drinks . Winchester
Saturday 16th November Futures Fair . Winchester
Thursday 21st November OW Undergraduate Pizza Evening . Bristol
Thursday 6th February OW Undergraduate Pizza Evening . Exeter
Thursday 13th February Parents ’ Drinks . London
Friday 14th February Kenneth Clark Final . Winchester
Thursday 13th March 60 Years On Lunch . London
Thursday 24th April . TBC Business networking . London
Saturday 29th March Nevin Pot 25
Friday 11th April Under 30 ’ s Drinks . London
Wednesday 14th May . Wykeham Patrons ’ evening . Overnight at Chevening House .
Friday 13th June Eve of Wykeham Day Parents ’ Drinks .
Saturday 14th June Wykeham Day
OW Cricket Fixtures 2023
Date , Opponents , Venue ( H : Home , A : Away ) All matches start 1130hrs unless otherwise stated
May Sun . 19th Earl of Carnarvon ’ s XI ( A ), Highclere Castle
Sun . 19th OWCC Legends v . Bradfield Waifs
( H ) Sun . 26th OWCC Legends v . I Zingari ( H )
June Sun . 2nd
OWCC Legends v . Broadhalfpenny Brigands ( A ), Hambledon
Sun . 2nd
Eton Ramblers ( H )
Sun . 9th
Cricketer Cup first round v .
Tonbridge ( A ), Tonbridge
Sun . 9th
OWCC Legends v . Armadillos ( A ),
Sheffield Park
Sat . 15th
The School 1 XI ( H )
Visiting Win Coll – Escorted Access Only
Thank you to the many of you who have helped the school by observing the recently-restricted access to the College . In every case that we are aware of since 1 January , it has been possible to enable visits by using staff from the Win Coll Soc office as a chaperone or by booking one of the College Guides to act as a steward . Some visitors have even remarked how their experience has improved because
Sat . 15th The School 2 XI ( H ) Sun . 16th OWCC Legends v . St Tropez ( H ) Sun . 23rd I Zingari ( H ) Sun . 23th OWCC Legends v . Eton Ramblers
( H ) Sun . 30th OWCC Legends v . Radley Rangers
( H ) Sun . 30th Cricketer Cup second round ( H ) Sun . 30th Free Foresters ( H )
Cricket Week
Thur . 4th
Gemini ( H )
Fri . 5th
Hampshire Hogs ( H )
Sat . 6th
Nomads ( H )
Sun . 7th
Butterflies ( H )
they now have a guide who can elaborate the visit . For the foreseeable future , we will continue to operate on this basis . The only thing we ask is that if you intend to visit the College , please give us as much notice as possible so that arrangements can be made . When events take place in the College , please assist our security team by only
Sun . 14th Guards ( A ), Burton Court Sun . 14th Cricketer Cup Qtr . Finals ( A ) Sun . 21st Rifles ( A ), St Cross Sun . 28th Cricketer Cup Semi Finals ( A ) Sun . 28th Downside Wanderers ( H )
August Sun . 11th Cricketer Cup Final ( A )
September Sat . 7th
Sat . 14th
OWCC Legends v . Sons of Bacchus ( A ), Hambledon Hurlingham Club ( A ), Hurlingham Club
using points of access and departure ( usually Porters ’ Lodge or Black Gate beside New Hall ) as directed . Thank you all for your support . If all else fails , you can book in to one of the regular tours conducted by experienced guides . Booking is via the Win Coll website . There are two afternoon tours every day of the week .