Trusty Servant May 2024 | Page 34

No . 137 The Trusty Servant
Hong Kong Visit . March 2024 The Hong Kong Friends of Winchester College ( HKFWC ) rolled out the red carpet during the last week of Common Time for the Headmaster ’ s first-ever visit to the region . Travelling with Elizabeth Stone were Dr John Cullerne ( Surmaster Academic ) and Melanie Bushell ( Director of Development ), who all received the very warmest of welcomes .
Among the events that took place were a tea party for current parents ; an informal lunch for members of the HK Guild ; and a Wykeham Patrons ’ dinner generously hosted at his home by an OW .
For the final event of the visit , the whole community came together for a Gala
Dinner at the Hong Kong Country Club , masterminded by the HKFWC Events Committee . The 200 guests were treated to fine food , fascinating speeches from the Headmaster and Brian Li ( E , 87-92 ; GoBo , 21- ), Chairman of HKFWC , and fantastic musical performances by current pupils .
The Headmaster speaking to assembled parents
At the Gala Dinner : Brian Li ( E , 87-92 ; GoBo , 21- ); Melanie Bushell ; Headmaster ; Emily Chan ; Frederick Poon
At the Gala Dinner : Hilary Tan ; Qin Hong ; Howie Wong ( F , 85-90 ); Michael Poole-Wilson ( I , 88-93 )
OW Gathering in Bangkok . 9 th April 2024 During her recent holiday in Thailand , the Director of Development , Melanie Bushell , took the opportunity to meet up with OWs and parents in Bangkok . The dinner was kindly organised by Tee Vachiramon ( I , 1997-2002 ) with the support of Charlie Garnjana Goonchorn ( I , 1994-99 ) and attended by OWs spanning the years 1978 to 2017 , as well as current parents . The conversation was so engaging that no-one thought to take any photos until all the delicious food had been polished off !
Meen Teeraniti ( C , 06-08 ); Melanie Bushell ( Win Coll Soc ); Nara Decharin ( A , 92-97 ); Teerus Boon-Long ( Parent ); Petan Kullavanijaya ( C , 17-21 ); Tee Vachiramon ( I , 97-02 ); Korn Chatikavanij ( D , 78-82 ); Gary Bushell
Bobber ’ s Boys Book Launch . 27th April . The avid reader will already have absorbed Anthony Beevor ’ s review ( Page 10 ) and bought their copy of the book ( Page 15 ). The book launch itself took place in Winchester over a poignant and at times emotional two days .
Of the 40 boys in that 1938 Hopper ’ s House photo , nearly 30 of their families arrived for tea in Hopper ’ s on 26th April and stayed for Chapel and the formal book launch the following day . So closely linked to the Centenary of War Cloister , this was a wonderful occasion that combined commemoration of the fallen with a celebration of family and the pastoral care provided by a housemaster to his ‘ boys ’.
BOBBER ’ S BOYS AT WAR 1939 – 1945