Trusty Servant May 2024 | Page 2

No . 137 The Trusty Servant
The current print crisis was highlighted for me by the generous loan from Stephen Bann ( Coll , 55-60 ) of some in-house creative magazines from the 50s and early 60s : several copies of Ariel , a Caliban ( cover designed by Stephen Bann ) and a single copy of Three Short Legs . More on these in the next issue , when I ’ ve managed to absorb more fully the range of writing on offer – and decided what a modern approach should be to a magazine apparently funded chiefly by advertisements for cigarettes !
I wouldn ’ t want OWs to assume that the creative urge is utterly suppressed in the school , however . Spirit Lamp continues to burn , if somewhat fitfully , Quelle ( a weekly publication when I was first here , much crushed by censorship in subsequent years ) is enjoying something of a resurgence , and a new ‘ inter-disciplinary academic journal ’ has been proposed by two VIBk boys , with the imposing name of Sapientia , so we ’ ll see how that goes . There are also occasional eruptions of classical ebullience in Fontes ( Quelle for classicists )
and some impressively solid historical writing in The History Journal .
The real issue , however , is who is to do the donkey work ? And currently , it ’ s us . The exclusively electronic ‘ Winchester Weekly ’, aimed at parents and sent out by Comms , is all very well , but it lacks the grain of everyday life in the school .
A final word from the Hinder Parts .
While considering content , we are always grateful to contributors who send in articles or ideas for publication , but Appointments and News of OWs have become sparse , which does not reflect how proud the school is of its offspring . When it comes to what the OW in the street is up to these days , we rely on you to tell us , so please don ’ t be shy .
Occasionally we get a comment that we write too much of this , or too little of that . The Trusty Servant can only humbly suggest that if you want us to publish on your preferred topic , please forward your article to TrustyServant @ wincoll . ac . uk ( or Wincollsoc @ wincoll . ac . uk if you would like it published on the website , too ).
Lastly , there will be a new cohort of readers after this issue . 17 girls will be leaving Win Coll in June , the largest single female intake and group of leavers in our history . You will read more about the new girls boarding houses elsewhere in these pages , which when complete , will accelerate the number of OW Girls . They are not the first girls to have been taught at Win Coll , but our records are incomplete and when we hold an Old Girls ’ reunion we would like all those eligible to be invited . If you are reading this , we probably know about you . We suspect there are many more who have been overlooked because their relationship with the school was informal . If you know of any wives , sisters , friends or neighbours who fit this category , please ask them to get in touch . They will get an OW scarf for their pains .
VIs 2024 . Future Old Wykehamists embracing Win Co Fo