No . 131 May 2021
Winchester College in the 21 st Century
Sir Richard Stagg ( G , 69-73 ; Warden , 19- ) outlines the new vision :
Winchester has thrived over the centuries not by standing still but by adapting – including major changes in such critical areas as its curriculum and its size . During the last two years , the Governing Body has been considering how best to position the
School for success over the next 10-20 years , through a judicious mixture of change and stability .
The latter is critical to retaining the essence of Win Coll ; what makes it different . We naturally attach particular importance to retaining the School ’ s focus on the non-examined curriculum and on the intellectual rigour and challenge which have been characteristic of Div since long before I was a pupil . Indeed , we believe we can enrich Div even further by giving it a more global feel : Confucius as well as Socrates ; Moghul India as well as Elizabethan England . And the new Entrepreneurship Centre will provide opportunities to stimulate creativity and innovative thinking among the