Trustnet Magazine 95 May 2023 | Page 3

Editor ’ s letter

This is my penultimate letter to you as editor , as I move on to pastures new next month and Trustnet Magazine is laid to rest .
The precursor to Trustnet Magazine , Investazine , was originally launched in 2013 , with the editor at the time saying it represented “ an effort to start plugging the gap ” after the Retail Distribution Review created a void for anyone with a limited amount of money to invest .
Following a reshuffle , it rebranded as Trustnet Magazine just over eight years ago and , a few months later , I took charge . An enormous amount has happened over this time – the longest bull run in history , Brexit and a pandemic that saw us confined to our homes for months on end . As I point out in this month ’ s cover feature , one thing that has changed relatively little is the UK dividend market . Another thing that I hope hasn ’ t changed is our continued usefulness in helping you make better investment decisions .
If you have any thoughts about Trustnet Magazine that you ’ d like to share , please send them to me at anthony . luzio @ fefundinfo . com . Some of the best ones could find their way into the final edition .
Until then , enjoy Trustnet Magazine while it lasts .
Anthony Luzio Editor , Trustnet Magazine