Trustnet Magazine 88 October 2022 | Page 48


Slater Growth

This is one of three funds managed by Mark Slater in the top decile of its sector over 10 years

Some fund managers outperform with ease in one sector , but struggle when they try to branch out into other areas . This is not a problem faced by Mark Slater , manager of Slater Investments . He focuses purely on the UK , and his three funds are top-decile performers in their respective sectors over 10 years . His largest strategy at £ 983m is Slater Growth , which is the thirdbest performer out of 205 funds in the IA UK All Companies sector over 10 years . One of the only two funds to beat it over this time is Slater Recovery , run by the same manager . Slater manages Slater Growth using a growth-at-a-reasonableprice approach . This involves identifying profitable , fast-growing and cash-generative companies with a competitive advantage , and buying them at a discount to their true worth .
The fund uses strict valuation targets and will simply hold cash if nothing is available to buy at a suitable price . “ This can lead to periods of high cash positions , yet doesn ’ t seem to impact performance ,” said the analysts at FE Investments . The fund typically buys for the long term , only selling if the valuation target is met , the competitive advantages deteriorate , the investment principles change , or better opportunities appear elsewhere . It currently has a portfolio of 35 to 50 holdings with a bias to small- and medium-sized firms . Despite the fund ’ s strong long-term performance , its growth strategy has counted against it this year and it is down 29.3 % compared with a fall of 17.1 % from its sector . However , Slater has not been fazed by the pullback and has sold only two
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