Trustnet Magazine 82 March 2022 | Page 13


The big picture .

Seeing it can make a big difference to your portfolio .

While we are resolutely bottom-up and stock-focused in our approach , this does not stop us from looking at the big picture . That ’ s why every year we publish our research agenda , outlining the key themes we intend to focus our attention on over the year ahead . We see it as a guide to discovering unrecognised growth opportunities and potentially a better way to help deliver returns you can look forward to .
Please remember that changing stock market conditions and currency exchange rates will affect the value of the investment in the fund and any income from it . Investors may not get back the amount invested .
Find out more at monksinvestmenttrust . co . uk A Key Information Document is available . Call 0800 917 2112 .
Actual Investors
Your call may be recorded for training or monitoring purposes . Issued and approved by Baillie Gifford & Co Limited , whose registered address is at Calton Square , 1 Greenside Row , Edinburgh , EH1 3AN , United Kingdom . Baillie Gifford & Co Limited is the authorised Alternative Investment Fund Manager and Company Secretary of the Trust . Baillie Gifford & Co Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ( FCA ). The investment trusts managed by Baillie Gifford & Co Limited are listed UK companies and are not authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority .