Trustnet Magazine 73 May 2021 | Page 33

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n update on the Lowland Investment eversal in the detractors affecting the olio ’ s multi-cap approach affords the undervalued UK domestic market .
t for onward distribution .
you should satisfy yourself as to its suitability and the risks ince is not a guide to future performance ]. The value of an investget back the amount originally invested . [ Tax assumptions and hange if those circumstances or the law change ]. Nothing in this cument is not a recommendation to sell or purchase any investf any investment . [ We may record telephone calls for our mutual for regulatory record keeping purposes .]
nvestors is the name under which investment products and ser- 94615 ), Henderson Global Investors Limited ( reg . no . 906355 ), on Equity Partners Limited ( reg . no . 2606646 ), ( each registered regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority ) and Henderson xembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du ancier ).
s , Knowledge . Shared and Knowledge Labs ] are trademarks of sidiaries . © Janus Henderson Group plc .