Trustnet Magazine 62 May 2020 | Page 27

Data hub 52 x / 53 x Crunching the biggest trends down into figures Inflation: The silent killer Inflation in the UK averaged 13.7% a year in the 1970s, driven partly by a surge in the oil price. You would have needed £3,607.39 in 1980 to pay for goods worth £1,000 in 1970. This meant your investments would have needed to return 260.74% to break even Inflation plotline 1917 25.2% 1920 15.4% 1975 24.4% 1980 18% 1922 -14% A century of highs and lows 2009 1931 -4.3% -0.5% The inflation hedge According to the Old Testament, an ounce of gold bought 350 loaves of bread during the reign of King Nebuchadnezzar in 562BC. At today’s prices, an ounce of gold would buy 1,308 white sliced loaves Over the years, fortunes have risen exponentially Average cinema ticket 5p in 1941 / £7.11 in 2020 £45.5m £90.95bn Price increases over 10 years Tea bags 3% Tomatoes 3% £10,000 Petrol Loaf of bread 7% 13% Minced beef 13% Pint of bitter 23% 1790 Mr Darcy 1941 Citizen Kane 2020 Jeff Bezos Nip of whisky 37% TRUSTNET Sources: Bank of England, Royal London Asset Management, Rathbones, ONS, the Bible