Trust Talk Magazine Spring/Summer 2020 (Austin) | Page 21

W hile systems and processes can set up your business for success, the core of your business is your employees. Hiring the right people is vital to the future of your company. Finding and keeping great candidates isn’t always easy, especially when everyone is on their best behavior during interviews. BBB has a few things for you to consider during the recruiting process to find the right candidates and keep them happy for years to come. Why Some Candidates Don’t Work Out In order to understand who the right candidates are and how to keep them feeling fulfilled, you have to get to the root of why some employees don’t work out. A study found that 46% of entry-level and 40% to 60% of management new hires fail within the first 18 months.* This was not so much because of a problem with technical skills, but because of coachability, emotional intelligence, motivation and temperament. These include the ability to accept feedback, understand or manage emotions or because they have the wrong temperament for the job.* A high turnover rate can be costly to your business by eating up time and resources. Success comes from supporting your employees rather than replacing them. Exploring what kind of person you need on your staff will help you write a strong job description and recognize red flags during the interview process, allowing you to weed out the wrong candidates. BBB TRUST TALK 19