Trust Talk Magazine - Permian Basin Fall/Winter 2020 | Page 29

How do you recognize them ? Tech support scammers pose as well-known companies or anti-virus software and contact you by phone , email or as a pop-up window in your Internet browser . They use scare tactics and a sense of urgency to compel you to pay before realizing they ’ re running a scam . Here ’ s how to recognize tech support scams in their various forms :
• By phone : The caller will claim to be from a well-known company , such as Microsoft , Apple or Google saying they found a problem with your computer or account . They often ask if they can have remote access to your computer to run a diagnostic test , which will claim there is a problem you can pay to have them fix . If you get an unexpected call from someone saying there is a problem with your computer , hang up . Scammers can spoof numbers that look like they are from a legitimate company .
• By email : Some tech support scam emails can be harder to spot than others . While some will be lazily thrown together with typos and no images , others will look like legitimate emails from the companies you trust . Just as with phishing emails , check the email address carefully . And always look online for official statements from the company in question ; if there is a software issue , they ’ ll make that news public and give people instructions on what to do .
What do you do if you interacted with a tech support scam ? If you paid a scammer using your credit or debit card , contact your bank as you may be able to suspend the transaction . If you paid using a gift card , contact the company that issued the card and see if they will refund you .
If you allowed the scammer to have remote access to your computer , update your computer ’ s security settings and software right away . Run a scan and delete anything that is flagged as suspicious . If you hand over any passwords or usernames , be sure to change those immediately as well . And , if you use that same password for any other accounts , you ’ ll want to change those as well . You can never be too careful when it comes to online security .
Where should you report it ? If you come across a tech support scam , you can report it to the Federal Trade Commission at ftccomplaintassistant . gov .
• By pop-up : Pop-up warnings appear on your computer screen and often look like they are from your operating system or antivirus software . However , if these pop-ups tell you to call a support number , do not interact with them . Real security warnings never ask you to call a number .
Source : https :// www . consumer . ftc . gov / articles / how-spot-avoid-and-report-tech-support-scams https :// public . tableau . com / profile / federal . trade . commission #!/ vizhome / FraudReports / TrendsOverTime