Trust Talk Magazine-Bryan/College Station Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 9


Maintaining a sense of normalcy and consistency while working from home keeps your employees motivated . Here are a few things you can do to make your employees feel a sense of structure .
Maintain regular work hours .
Whether those hours are the same or different from when you were in the office doesn ’ t matter . What matters is maintaining a healthy routine and ensuring your employees avoid burnout . When the lines between work and home life are blurred , the line between when you should be offline becomes blurred . A culture of answering emails at all hours of the day can easily take hold and lead to employee burnout .
Stay on schedule .
While it ’ s important to be flexible and adjust accordingly , you want to try to stick to the business plan you set up at the beginning of the year . It can be easy to use different life events or the pandemic as an excuse to stray off course , but do your best to encourage everyone to finish what they need to on time . Once you push back a deadline or become more lenient , it ’ s easy for a domino effect to occur , where suddenly all the projects you tackle are late . Treat each deadline as if you ’ re planning to stick to it , even if you know you ’ re going to be flexible about the date of completion . You may be surprised at how much you continue to finish when you tell yourself it needs to get done .
Keep regularly scheduled meetings .
When you ’ re working apart , communication is key , especially when it comes to major projects . Ensure everyone is on the same page by keeping your regularly scheduled meetings or possibly even increasing the frequency . This is an opportunity to check in with each other and get everyone on the same page . It holds everyone accountable and on track .