Trust Talk Magazine-Bryan/College Station Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 21


I nevitably , relationships and the way your employee get work done at your company changes over time . Through your business ' s life , you hire new employees , seasoned employees move on and you create new positions . You may find past roles and responsibilities aren ' t working to your advantage in the present , especially if your company has grown . Restructuring your business may be a necessary and overwhelming task . However , it doesn ' t have to be complicated . With some introspection and planning , you can take your business to new heights .


To find the necessary changes , you have to take an honest look at what is and isn ' t working . Admitting your faults can be difficult , but it will lead to future success . Here are a few places to start .
Organizational chart . To have a clear understanding of where to make improvements , start by thinking about your employees and their responsibilities . Map out an org chart showing your business ' s hierarchy , with every employee ' s name and job title . The organization chart will act as a map of your organization and help you see gaps or overlap in the reporting structure . You can create one in a word procession program , or there are specific applications that make creating your organizational chart easier .
SWOT Analysis . Now that you have a clear overview of people and their responsibilities within the organization , you can start looking at what is and isn ' t working . SWOT analysis stands for strengths , weaknesses , opportunities and threats . This tool provides a holistic framework to analyze your organization .