Trust Talk Magazine-Austin Spring/Summer 2021 | Page 5


PUBLISHER Carrie A . Hurt
EXECUTIVE EDITORS Erin Dufner Sarah Smock
LEAD DESIGNER Michael J . Slack
Through the ups and downs of the past year , BBB has seen the perseverance of our Accredited Businesses firsthand . Businesses reexamined operations and pivoted when times were tough , but many are left wondering where to go from here . As we thought about this issue of Trust Talk , we asked ourselves what information we could provide when the business landscape remains uncertain . When you cannot plan for the future , focusing on the present is all you can do . So , we introduce to you the Productivity Issue , where we explore ways to make 2021 your most efficient year yet .
This past year may have opened your eyes to ways that your business ' s structure could change . Sometimes those changes are small , such as deciding if new tools your employees can utilize to make operations more efficient . In “ Embracing New Tools For Your Business ,” we walk you through different programs you can use to streamline workflow . By utilizing various tools , you can save time and put your efforts into your what is most important - your customers
However , sometimes your eyes are opened to big-picture changes . In “ Restructuring Your Business ,” we share tips on what to consider if you are planning on adding new roles , rearranging departments or getting rid of positions altogether . When you are restructuring , you may also consider in your plan where your staff will work – in the office or at home .
Perhaps your operations involve making working from home a permanent fixture in your business ’ s operations . In our feature article , we discuss the top priorities of the anywhere workforce and what to consider if you are planning on having your staff work remotely long term . This article breaks down the tools and information you should provide for your staff and how things like consistency and efficiency are necessary for your employees ' success while working from home .
2021 Better Business Bureau ® serving the Heart of Texas
BBB ® TRUST TALK is published by Better Business Bureau serving the Heart of Texas 1805 Rutherford Lane , Suite 100 Austin , TX 78754 800.621.8566
Surviving a challenging year makes us want to celebrate our Accredited Businesses , which is why we highlighted the winners of the 2020 Torch Awards for Marketplace Ethics , who prove to their customers that they are leaders in marketplace trust . We dive into who they are , what they do and what stood out to the Torch Award judges .
Ultimately , we hope that this edition of Trust Talk inspires you to embrace the new and helps you work out what to get rid of the old . We look forward to another successful year working with our Accredited Businesses and seeing what the future has in store .
Thank you ,
All rights reserved . Copies or reproductions of this publication in whole or in part are strictly prohibited without express written authorization from the publisher .
Sarah Smock , VP of Marketing and Executive Editor BBB serving the Heart of Texas with offices in Austin , Bryan , Corpus Christi , Fort Worth , Midland , San Antonio and Waco