Saying Goodbye
to Summer
Summer Swan Song
Summer has come to an end,
and what a busy season it was!
Thanks to the following “flocks”
of volunteers who did a fabulous
job assisting our horticulture depart-
ment with the setup of our wildly
popular Butterflies n’ Blooms
exhibit: Humana Medicare EDI,
Humana PPI, and Nielsen Ratings.
We couldn’t make it through
without you!
A shout out to our 230 plus sum-
mer teen volunteers. These kids did
an exemplary job assisting with day
camp, animal areas, preparing diets
for animals and more throughout
the summer season. Good luck to
each and every one of you during
the 2017 – 18 school year. Congrats
to our teens headed for more ad-
venture in the world of college!
Left to right: Gloria Adkins (30 years),
Volunteer Coordinator Diane Taylor (40 years), and Sue Voyles (30 years)
A Stand-up Pair
The Louisville Zoo would like to
take a moment to recognize two
of its longest standing volunteers:
Gloria Adkins and Sue Voyles. Each
has been helping out at the Zoo
for 30 years. WOW! Gloria Adkins
has donated a total of 6620 hours
to the Zoo, many of those with the
raptor program. Sue Voyles has
donated over 5350 hours of her
time including assisting with school
outreaches and early childhood
programs. Thank you very much
for your longtime dedication
and unwavering support of the
Louisville Zoo.
As we head into a busy and
beautiful autumn season, we
sincerely thank all of our precious
Louisville Zoo volunteers for your
continued service — you are truly
the best!
Humana Medicare EDI Teams (Left) and Humana PPI (right)
help set up the Butterflies n' Blooms exhibit in the Spring.
Louisville Zoo Trunkline • Fall 2017 • 23