Trunkline Magazine (Louisville Zoo) Trunkline Magazine: December 2016 | Page 13

"Thank you to all our volunteers for your continued support!" Diane Taylor, Coordinator of Volunteers HALLOWEEN THANKS! 2016’s “The World’s Largest Halloween Party” presented by Meijer was the biggest party yet. This year, over 1,388 dedicated volunteers helped to host 92,817 guests. We are thankful for the companies, fraternities, sororities and individuals that supported this 19-night event which included Kosair Charities night. Whether helping to set up, dressing up to pass out candy or breaking down the event — volunteers help make the Party happen! A total of 8,797 volunteer hours were contributed this year — a value of $74,689.50 in man hours! A special thanks to UPS for supplying so many volunteers to assist with the event every year. Top: UPS Volunteers Bottom: left to right: Cheryl and Dale DeGeorge (volunteers since 2003), Judy and Gilbert Nagel (volunteers since 1996). KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS Give to the Zoo without any cost! The Louisville Zoo is now available as a choice in the Kroger Community Rewards program. Kroger aims to give back to the charities, schools, and other nonprofit organizations that matter to you most by letting you choose who they donate to. Simply enroll at Choose the Louisville Zoo. Then, each time you swipe your Kroger Plus Card, Kroger will donate money to your choice. Please renew if you haven’t already. For more in-depth instructions, please visit our website at Louisville Zoo Trunkline • Winter 2016 • 13