trueCOWBOYmagazine Sept/Oct 2014 | Page 23

tCmag: When you see all the unrest and r ioting in our neighbor hoods, do you think our values as a nation and our national pride have just gone to hell in a hand basket? BC: I am by nature an optimist. I think we are going to pull through this and the only way to do that is to education our children, our future. Children have been taught to be xenophobic because their parents are. The whole power of a totalitarian government or individuals like Hitler or Stalin is basically fear. Most wars are fought for either land, religion, greed or out of fear. If you look at old pictures of a KKK rally you will see, and very prominently, children with guns and in white robes. If you get to the children early enough you can indoctrinate them into anything. We have to teach the children love and inclusivity. If we can teach our children and our citizens to be inclusive and loving then we got something. But, sadly, we have not been able to do that. Nowadays, the idea is if you don’t agree with me you are my enemy till death and that is where we are currently here and around the world. We’ve got to be alert but unfortunately most of us are asleep. Education is key. I had a Texas public school education and I knew everything about Texas from 1945 on but absolutely no idea about the rest of history. Thomas Jefferson said, “History is the fiction written by the victor’s”. tCmag: As a hor se lover, what’s your take on the Bureau of Land Management’s roundups and efforts to eliminate an American Icon, the wild mustang? BC: I’m not a big fan of the BLM. I was talking to a Lakota Native American and he said now you folks can see what the government has done to the land and its people. There are some ranchers that are ready to go for a gunned rebellion. This won’t work and that tactic will come to no good end. We can’t be these bad guys on the range. But you can fight for justice in the courts sometimes. As far as the mustangs go, I believe there should be management of the herds on the ranges, where the mustangs belong. Not in BLM long term holding facilities. I think the BLM adoption programs alleviate some of that but we should go in and do what we do with domestic horses; geld some and leave most of the stallions viable under a controlled environment. Management of the herds on the range is what’s needed. If that were done then we could have free roaming wild mustangs, burros and bison. tCmag: When, why and how did you ever decide to become an actor as opposed to a lawyer and politician like your father or a school teacher like your mother? BC: I’ve always wanted to be a movie actor. By the time I was seven, I knew that’s what I wanted to do. I think from a very early age my parents doubted my sanity. My father said, “Very little of what Barry does surprises me, shocks me, yes, but doesn’t surprise me”.